Invitation Letter & Visas

Invitation Letter

If you need an invitation letter to attend to the Congress, click in the link below.

Please take note this letter is only for visa purpose or application for free days in your organization, company, hospital, etc.


Documents to be presented:

(Originals and Photocopies) together with the invitation letter at the Spanish Consulate of the countries listed below:

Mandatory Documents:

Recommended Documents:

Country list:

The following countries need Visa arrangements to travel to Spain by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation:

Afganistán Ghana Papúa n. Guinea
Albania Granada guinea Perú
Angola Guinea Bissau Qatar
Arabia saudí Guinea ecuatorial Rep. Centro Africana
Argelia Guyana Rep. Dem. Del Congo
Armenia Haití Rep. Dominicana
Azerbaiyán India Rusia
Bahrain Indonesia Ruanda
Bangladesh Irán Salomón (islas)
Belorussia Iraq Samoa
Belice Jamaica S. Vicente y granadinas
Benin Jordania Santa lucía
Bután Kazajstán Sto. Tomé príncipe
Birmania Kenia Senegal
Myanmar Kirguistán Serbia
Bolivia Kiribati Sierra leona
Bosnia Herzegovina Kuwait Siria
Botsuana Laos Somalia
Burkina Lesoto Sri Lanka
Faso Líbano Sudáfrica
Burundi Liberia Sudán
Cabo verde Libia Surinam
Camboya Madagascar Suazilandia
Camerún Malawi Tailandia
Chad Maldivas Tanzania
China Mali Tayikistán
Colombia Marianas del norte (islas) Timor oriental Togo
Comoras Marruecos Tonga
Congo Marshall (islas) Trinidad
Corea norte Mauritania Tobago
Costa de marfil Micronesia Túnez
Cuba Moldavia Turkmenistán
Yibuti Mongolia Turquía
Ecuador Montenegro Tuvalu
Egipto Mozambique Ucrania
Emiratos Árabes unidos Namibia Uganda
Eritrea Nauru Uzbekistán
Etiopía ex. Rp. Yug. De macedonia Nepal Vanuatu
Filipinas Níger Vietnam
Fiyi Nigeria Yemen
Gabón Omán Zambia
Gambia Pakistán Zimbabue
Georgia Palau





























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