Invitation Letter
If you need an invitation letter to attend to the Congress, click in the link below.
Please take note this letter is only for visa purpose or application for free days in your organization, company, hospital, etc.
Documents to be presented:
(Originals and Photocopies) together with the invitation letter at the Spanish Consulate of the countries listed below:
Mandatory Documents:
- Passport
- Flight Ticket (Round Trip)
- Hotel Reservation
- Tourist Insurance (Accident, Sickness, etc…)
Recommended Documents:
- Congress Registration Confirmation
- Bank Statement (Last 3-6 months)
Country list:
The following countries need Visa arrangements to travel to Spain by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation:
Afganistán | Ghana | Papúa n. Guinea |
Albania | Granada guinea | Perú |
Angola | Guinea Bissau | Qatar |
Arabia saudí | Guinea ecuatorial | Rep. Centro Africana |
Argelia | Guyana | Rep. Dem. Del Congo |
Armenia | Haití | Rep. Dominicana |
Azerbaiyán | India | Rusia |
Bahrain | Indonesia | Ruanda |
Bangladesh | Irán | Salomón (islas) |
Belorussia | Iraq | Samoa |
Belice | Jamaica | S. Vicente y granadinas |
Benin | Jordania | Santa lucía |
Bután | Kazajstán | Sto. Tomé príncipe |
Birmania | Kenia | Senegal |
Myanmar | Kirguistán | Serbia |
Bolivia | Kiribati | Sierra leona |
Bosnia Herzegovina | Kuwait | Siria |
Botsuana | Laos | Somalia |
Burkina | Lesoto | Sri Lanka |
Faso | Líbano | Sudáfrica |
Burundi | Liberia | Sudán |
Cabo verde | Libia | Surinam |
Camboya | Madagascar | Suazilandia |
Camerún | Malawi | Tailandia |
Chad | Maldivas | Tanzania |
China | Mali | Tayikistán |
Colombia | Marianas del norte (islas) | Timor oriental Togo |
Comoras | Marruecos | Tonga |
Congo | Marshall (islas) | Trinidad |
Corea norte | Mauritania | Tobago |
Costa de marfil | Micronesia | Túnez |
Cuba | Moldavia | Turkmenistán |
Yibuti | Mongolia | Turquía |
Ecuador | Montenegro | Tuvalu |
Egipto | Mozambique | Ucrania |
Emiratos Árabes unidos | Namibia | Uganda |
Eritrea | Nauru | Uzbekistán |
Etiopía ex. Rp. Yug. De macedonia | Nepal | Vanuatu |
Filipinas | Níger | Vietnam |
Fiyi | Nigeria | Yemen |
Gabón | Omán | Zambia |
Gambia | Pakistán | Zimbabue |
Georgia | Palau |
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