The World’s Largest Psychiatric Congress is taking place in Europe in 2014!
10,000 professionals are expected to attend!
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Last Update: September 2013
List of topics:
1. Art and Psychiatry | 37. Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology | |
2. Anxiety, Stress and Adjustment Disorders | 38. Occupational Psychiatry, Psychiatric Rehabilitation | |
3.Biological Psychiatry and Neurosciences | 39. Personality and Psychopathology | |
4. Brain and Pain | 40. Personality Disorders and Accentuated Personality | |
5. Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioral Disorders | 41. Pharmacotherapies | |
6. Conflict Management and Resolution | 42. Philosophy and Humanities in Psychiatry | |
7. Dementia, Delirium and Related Cognitive Disorders | 43. Prevention and Health Promotion | |
8. Diagnostic Systems | 44. Primary Care and Mental Health | |
9. Disasters and Emergencies Psychiatry | 45. Psychiatric Classification | |
10. Dissociative, Somatization and Factitious Disorders | 46. Psychiatry Education and Training | |
11. Dual Diagnosis | 47. Psychiatry in Developing Regions | |
12. Eating Disorders | 48. Psychiatry in Private Practice | |
13. Ecology, Psychiatry and Mental Health | 49. Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry | |
14. Epidemiology and Public Health | 50. Psychological Consequences of Torture and Persecution | |
15. Ethics, Law, Human Rights and Mental Health | 51. Psychological Sciences | |
16. Evolutionary Psychiatry | 52. Psychoneurobiology | |
17. Exercise, Psychiatry and Sports | 53. Psychoneuroendocrinology | |
18. Family Research, Intervention and Interdisciplinary Collaboration | 54. Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care | |
19. Forensic Psychiatry | 55. Psychophysiology in Psychiatry | |
20. Genetic Psychiatry | 56. Psychosomatic Disorders | |
21. Geriatric Psychiatry | 57. Psychotherapies | |
22. History and Psychiatry | 58. Public Psychiatry | |
23. HIV and Psychiatry | 59. Quality Assurance in Psychiatry | |
24. Human Development | 60. Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry | |
25. Immunology and Psychiatry | 61. Research Methods in Psychiatry | |
26. Impulse – Control Disorders | 62. Rural Mental Health | |
27. Learning Disorders | 63. Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders | |
28. Literature and Mental Health | 64. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders | |
29. Mass Media and Mental Health | 65. Sleep Disorders | |
30. Measurement Instruments in Psychiatric Care | 66. Social and Cultural Psychiatry | |
31. Mental Health Economics and Services Research | 67. Sociotherapies | |
32. Military Psychiatry | 68. Stigma and Mental Health | |
33. Miscellaneous | 69. Substance Abuse, Dependence and Related Disorders | |
34. Mood Disorders | 70. Suicide and Psychiatric Emergencies | |
35. Neural Sciences | 71. Urban Mental Health | |
36. Neuroimaging in Psychiatry | 72. Women’s Mental Health |
Exhibition / Support
Eloy Gouveia / Tilesa OPC
XVI World Congress of Psychiatry
Tel: Ext 218
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